Liam Gallagher to release 'As It Was' documentary

Virgin Radio

19 Feb 2019, 18:37

The rock n' roll star has taken to Twitter to confirm his documentary 'As It Was' is completed. 

The documentary which was announced last year is said to follow the story of Liam from the heights during the 'Champagne Supernova' era to his legal battles, boredom and booze. 

The film is directed by long term friend Charlie Lightening. 

The release date is still yet to be announced. 

Speaking with Virgin Radio last year, Liam spoke about the documentary saying "I'm involved... I'm playing the gigs and they're sticking a camera in my face... it'll be good when it comes out." 

He also spoke about the Supersonic documentary which was released a few years ago, "There's a lot they missed out... I reckon there's more to go on it... so there could be a part two." 


Liam Gallagher fans, rejoice! It appears he’s been back in the studio working on new music.

WATCH: Liam Gallagher chats to Sam and Amy

