Eddy's Good News: Canada's Ukrainian Safe Haven & huge rainforest protection success

Virgin Radio

8 Apr 2022, 09:58

Rainforest Trust and Ukrainian Safe Haven

Credits: The Times/News UK & Ukrainian Safe Haven

Every day during his show on Virgin Radio, Eddy Temple-Morris brings you Good News stories from around the world, to help inject a bit of positivity into your day!

Be sure to listen each day between 10am and 1pm (Monday - Friday) to hear Eddy's Good News stories (amongst the finest music of course), but if you miss any of them you can catch up on the transcript of Eddy's stories from today below:

Encouraging news from all over the world as a non profit organisation funded entirely by public donations has managed to protect more than a million acres of rainforest already this year!

Study after study has proved that (with very few exceptions) letting mother nature do her thing is way better than we stick our oar in. Maintenance of wild habitat and rewilding projects do nothing but boost biodiversity and soil health and with that in mind, say hello to Rainforest Trust, who’ve been going since 1988 and thus far managed to protect 38 million acres of wild forest and even marine habitat.

This year alone they’ve helped protect the critically-endangered Central American river turtle in Belize, 350 bird species and some of the rarest monkeys in the world in Ecuador, similar news in Guatemala where they’ve protected the habitat of the endangered Yucatán black howler monkey and Geoffroy’s spider monkey. They set up a 350,000 acre wildlife sanctuary in Myanmar and even a 430,000 acres of marine park to safeguard the critically imperilled Ganges Shark and Irrawaddy Dolphin. How amazing that they’ve done all this via donations and they’re adding 125 million more acres in the next couple of years.

Via goodnewsnetwork.org

Further proof that Canadians are the nicest people on the planet, a huge resort in British Columbia throws its doors open for Ukrainian refugees to stay for free.

Say hello and be inspired by the Grouse Nest, a 15,000 square foot resort nestled in gorgeous evergreen forest by a gin clear lake. Owner Brian is originally from a Ukrainian family, so he’s decided to step up and really make a difference. They’re taking in 100 refugees and they’re not just giving them the most wonderful roof over their heads, they’re providing food, education, transport and help in getting them settled into Canadian society and they can stay as long as they want to! Heroically, they’ve done this via a non profit organisation to whom they’ve leased their amazing property for just $1 a year.They’ve even changed their name to Ukrainian Safe Haven and their website is now getting volunteers on board and taking donations.

Via goodnewsnetwork.org

