Chuffed, knackered, faff and naff: the most loved and hated British Slang

Virgin Radio

11 May 2023, 09:35

Credit: Getty

As a nation we love coming up with weird and wonderful phrases.

Remember the "platty joobs" or cutting costs due to the "cozzy livs"?

It seems we love making up new phrases, whether abbreviating, rhyming or coming up with something new.

Whole comedy sketches have been devoted to our penchant for picking random ways to say we're tipsy: trollied, hammered, battered, wasted.

Which are the most loved and hated slang words?

Letter Solver have analysed the phrases on Urban Dictionary to find the most - and least - popular slang from our shores.

Taking the top spot for most-loved is 'chuffed', which received a 96% share of upvotes on Urban Dictionary.

Did you know the word originates from the word 'chuff', which apparently means swollen with fat.

In second place is ‘gutted’ with a 94.7% share of upvotes.

'Knackered’ came in third.

‘Bob’s your uncle’ was fourth with a 90.3% share of upvotes.

Elsewhere, ‘argy bargy’ proved popular, as did a ‘piece of cake’ for describing something as easy.

For when things go wrong, ‘pear-shaped’ was popular and for those who hate plans, so is ‘play it by ear’.

The last slot on the most loved list goes to ‘faff’.

For the least favourite slang, it's not good for Love Islanders and their favourite phrases.

Taking the top spot for most hated was ‘mug’.

Second is ‘graft’.

Mooch is in third, followed by 'grim’, fluke’ and ‘naff’.

We love faff, but hate naff.

Spanner was the seventh most hated.

‘Gander’ and ‘proper’ was also on the list.

The top ten most hated terms was ‘mint’ - sorry, Mancunians.

