Doctor's tricks to help you get to sleep using the 10-3-2-1 hack

Virgin Radio

3 Aug 2021, 13:33

If you have trouble drifting off into the land of zzz, you're not alone. One doctor has given the sleep-deprived among us some top tips to help with the dreaded insomnia. Dr Karan Rajan shared the helpful post on TikTok and advised followers to try the 10-3-2-1 method.

Found at @dr.karanrTikTok, he explained: "Ten hours before bed no more caffeine.

"This is how long it takes your body to clear it from the blood and eliminate its stimulatory effects."

He continues: "Three hours before bed avoid big meals – this helps avoid heartburn and interrupted sleep.

"Also avoid alcohol because this impairs your REM sleep.

"Two hours before bed no more work. This helps you get in a relaxed state of mind.

"One hour before bed, no screens. This means Netflix too!

"Blue light inhibits melatonin production which delays sleep."

With more than half a million views, users commented in their droves. 

Credit: TikTok

One user wrote: "The nights I can do this I definitely sleep better! But when I'm on night shifts it is impossible."

A second person joked: "No caffeine, no food, no work, no TV, you've just erased my entire life."

Another asked: "Honestly though, what am I supposed to do in the one hour before bed? I genuinely can't read books because my eyes are too tired."

One added: "I don't follow any of these and sleep fine. I find the most important thing for me is keeping a routine/schedule. Same sleep time every day."

A parent penned: "10 hours? No caffeine? Someone else needs to come raise my kids because I'm not going to be able to function."

