Contestant’s magnificent wrong answer on Tipping Point goes viral

Virgin Radio

26 Oct 2021, 12:01

Credit: Twitter / @tippingpointitv

Credit: Twitter / @tippingpointitv

When it comes to watching TV quiz shows from the comfort of our sofas, we’re all experts, aren’t we? 

We breeze our way through the cash-builder on The Chase, get most of the Answer Smashes right on Richard Osman’s House of Games, and maybe even get one question right per series of University Challenge! 

However, not many of us have the guts to actually go on a quiz show and try to win while under the glare of the studio lights and in front of a telly audience of millions, and one man’s experience on Tipping Point has shown us exactly why.

The moment in question happened during yesterday’s (October 25th) episode of the hit ITV show, when host Ben Shephard put the following question to contestant Dom: "In his epic poems, Homer often refers to nectar as the drink of the gods and which other substance as their food?"

It’s admittedly a pretty tough question, but no-one expected the answer that Dom came up with. 

Replying to Ben, Dom said: “I know he likes doughnuts.” The contestant - who had clearly confused Homer the Greek poet and one of the most influential authors of all time, with everyone's favourite Simpsons' character - paused, before saying. “I think I'll go with…” another dramatic pause. “Doughnuts please Ben.”

To his eternal credit, Ben Shephard, whose face was a picture of incredulity, did his best to stifle a laugh, and managed to keep it down to a smile. 

When someone posted the clip on Twitter, however, commenters were not as diplomatic as the show’s host, and the social media platform was soon awash with people reacting to the answer. 

One person wrote: “Got to admit Donuts was one of my favourite answers out of all stupid ones I've heard on #tippingpoint.”

Another added: “I literally can't breathe. That Homer gaffe is the funniest thing I've ever witnessed on #tippingpoint.”

Someone else joked: “He's so silly. Everyone knows Lisa is the one who writes epic poems in that family.”

The answer to the question, in case you were wondering, is ambrosia. No, not the custard. And yes, we had to look it up. In Greek mythology, it was thought to bring long life and immortality to anyone who consumed it.

So, now we all know. Right, we’re off to buy some doughnuts. Mmm… doughnuts.

