Could Gen Z kill off classic British food like pork pies, saveloys and bubble and squeak?

Virgin Radio

8 Mar 2022, 16:54

Credit: Getty

There's nothing wrong with a bit of traditional British grub – but according to research, Gen Z haven't tried half the old-fashioned food we all grew up with and they could be causing its premature dining death.

New research based of people aged 18-30 say that old school staples like pie, mash and liquor and a simple Ploughman’s lunch could disappear over the next few decades because Gen Z have never sampled them.

Top of the food flop list are jellied eels, kedgeree (rice, egg and haddock) and Haggis with almost half of the 1,500 having never tried it.

It's bad news for spotted dick, Lancashire hot pot and Welsh rarebit too who are all out of food favour with 46 per cent saying they thought the list of dishes sounded 'stuffy and old-fashioned' and a third believed their taste in food was more 'sophisticated'.

According to results, Brits are more tempted by Asian cuisine over traditional British food, with over two thirds filling up on sushi and three in ten loving Japanese cuisine.

The company behind the research, Sushi Daily, said: "Old, unhealthy, stodgy dishes are being replaced with more modern, healthier options including sushi and sashimi," as well as tacos, burritos, beef chow mein and spicy chicken madras.

1. Jellied eels 65%

2. Kedgeree 54%

3. Haggis 46%

4. Steak, well done 42%

5. Welsh rarebit 40%

6. Baked Alaska 39%

7. Steak Diane 36%

8. Liver and onions 35%

9. Pie, mash and liquor 32%

10. Black pudding 32%

11. Spotted dick 31%

12. Saveloy sausage and chips 30%

13. Lancashire hot pot 30%

14. Steak and kidney pudding 7%

15. Ploughman’s lunch 23%

16. Bubble and squeak 21%

17. Bread and butter pudding 20%

18. Gammon with a pineapple ring 20%

19. Arctic roll 20%

20. Pork pie 18%

We know what we're having for dinner and it's most definitely on this list...

