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Virgin Radio
8 Mar 2022, 13:25
Chris Evans and Delia Smith at Virgin Radio
Celebrity chef Delia Smith joined the Chris Evans Breakfast Show with Sky to talk about her new book, which moves away from the kitchen and encourages people to think more deeply about the phenomenon of existence.
You Matter: The Human Solution, which is out now, looks at what it means to be a unique human person, and how we can work together to build a future in these uncertain times. When talking about how the book came about, Delia told Chris: “It came from a lifetime of deep thought and being passionate about everything, and it took me five years to write. But, what I want it to achieve is for the human species, the whole human race, to believe in themselves.”
The author told Chris that her need for taking the time to think and reflect quietly goes all the way back to her childhood. “My mother, when I was about five, she put me to bed too early, and I knew it was too early because all the kids were out playing, but I couldn’t go to sleep, so I started having this time of thought and reflection, right from the age of five. Because I had it every night, it sort of grew into something I needed, so for the rest of my life, I always needed to have quiet time for thought,” she said.
“And then, about 20 years ago, just at the turn of this century, I read a book by an Indian Sufi, who said, ‘If you want to really get serious about spirituality, about knowing yourself, then you must commit yourself to at least 30 minutes every day, and the optimum amount of time should be an hour.’”
Delia continued: “But he knew, as I know now when I’m saying it to you, the hardest thing on earth for anyone to do is to sit down, be by themselves and be still and quiet. So he said, start with 10 minutes, then go up to 20 minutes, and then go up to half-an-hour. He said, ‘Then you’ll get addicted, and you’ll do an hour with no problem,’ and he was right.”
You Matter is split into three parts, the first of which is titled Rethinking Thinking. Its author told Chris: “We’re not used to being still and being silent. So, that’s the hard bit. But there’s nothing else to it, and I don’t like the word ‘meditation’, I don’t like the word ‘mindfulness’, it’s just being still and silent, and letting your own mind do what it wants to do, and if it’s teaming, which mine always is, then okay, that’s fine. But gradually, you begin to think more deeply, and you begin to go, in your life, more deeply, so everything in your life has a deeper aspect.”
In her book, Delia draws upon writers who have inspired her, such as Maslow, Viktor Frankel, PIerre Teilhard de Chardin and Peter Kropotin. And she explained that, for humans’ future survival, we need to have greater global cooperation. “I think what we all have to learn is that we don’t know much, but we know that we’re in this big universe. We’re a tiny little planet, and there’s life on it, and as far as we know there isn’t life on any other planet, so that must be about something, mustn’t it?” she asked.
“Can you imagine being outside our planet now, looking in? What would we see? We would see a human race killing children.”
One section of Delia’s book is called The Human Is The Solution. She said: “What we haven’t yet understood, and we can understand it, is that everything is in our hands. All the trouble that we are going through at the moment is in our hands. All we have to do is understand ourselves, and then we will become more understanding of others, and the real answer to the question is, we’ve got to be united. That’s the real answer.
“We can see what happens when everybody gets together. Everybody’s becoming united. A little boy on the radio yesterday was saying he’s given all his pocket money to Ukraine.
“We’ve got beyond top-down leadership. We’ve got beyond that now. It’s got to be the other way. It’s got to be people first and dare I say it, donkeys second.”
Another section of You Matter is entitled None Of Us is As Smart As All Of Us. When explaining where this heading came from, the famous football supporter said: “When I first joined a football club, I got an artist to draw this picture of people in football, and the quote from an American advertising man was, ‘None of us is as smart as all of us.’”
On the subject of football, Delia also revisited her infamous half-time rant at one of her beloved Norwich City’s games here.
When Chris asked Delia what her hopes and dreams for the new book were, she said: “That everybody who reads it will get to know how much they matter, and how we can’t do anything alone. We have to be united, we have to be together, and I would also like people to realise the gravity of the situation we’re in.”
You Matter: The Human Solution is out now. For more information visit deliaonline.com.
For more great interviews listen to The Chris Evans Breakfast Show with Sky, weekdays from 6:30am on Virgin Radio, or catch up on-demand here.
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